
Deepening topics in trusting rounds


Which leadership questions move me and which I would like to share with others in a purposeful and inspiring way?

What does sustainable management mean in my company?

What communication is essential and helpful in uncertain times?


There are many questions. Leaders meet in Lassalle Circles to discuss specific topics that concern them in their everyday leadership work.The participants meet several times in the same circle, but for a limited time, which is defined at the beginning. All contribute their own experiences and impressions. The rounds are moderated by experts from the Lassalle-Institut community. 

Topics that we address, for example:

  • Grow and mature as a spiritual personality
  • Eco-social transformation/ sustainable corporate governance
  • Faith & Finance. Assets and financial investments of faith-based organisations
  • Intervision - exchange on leadership challenges in everyday life
  • Making sense in economic activity
  • Human Resources Management
  • Successful communication
  • Agile corporate governance

For the moment, circles are only held in German. The circles take place exclusively in face-to-face meetings and not online.

Are you interested in the exchange with other personalities in leadership responsibility?
We look forward to hearing from you via our community form or by e-mail to